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Archimede Seguso


Son of the maestro Antonio Seguso, Archimede Seguso srtarted working very soon at the Vetreria Artistica Barovier where his father was partner. In 1933, became the maestro and founding partner at the Artistica Vetreria e Soffieria Barovier, Seguso & Ferro, which then became the Seguso Vetri d’Arte where Archimede worked collaborating with Flavio Poli. In 1948 he founded his own new workshop the Vetreria Artistica Archimede Seguso. Most of his first works were inspired by the Novecento style, as also his sculptures modeled in hot glass. Known as the "master of animals", he created swans, fish, fox, moufflon, but also figures of workers. At the same time he experimented adapting ancient techniques to the styles of the ‘50s, such the variations of the filigrana, or the corroso bugnato; important of those years is also the Alabastro series.. During the ‘60s-‘70s he produced glass works with vivid and intense colours such as the colori sovrapposti and the fasce sovrapposte. The more recent works were based on the use of strong contrasting colours and solid massiccio sommerso glass.



Items created by: Archimede Seguso