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Enter in Passione Antiqua

Become a Passionario


Does the old-fashioned charm of ancient jewels take your breath away? Would you get emotional about the story of an engagement ring? May a pocket watch of XVIII century make your heart beat? Do the harmonious shapes of blown glass and the technical expertise of glassmakers amaze you?

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, you suffer from a contagious disease: you are a Passionario, fascinated by ancient beauties, arts, stories, and by the technical secrets handed down from generation to generation.

There is no cure … you can only give up! But don’t worry, you’re in good company: the community of Passionari of Passione Antiqua is large

Here are four good reasons why you should join it:

   - You will receive special offers in advance;  
   - Prices will be visible at all the times, in order allow you to have a good evaluation;  
   - We will keep you posted through a reserved newsletter;
   - We will hold auction exclusively for the Passionari. 




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